A Day In Potsdam!


¡No sabéis el frío que hace aquí en Berlín! No sé lo que va a ser de mí en los meses de invierno haha. Hoy quiero compartir con vosotros algunas fotos de Potsdam, un pequeño pueblo cerca de Berlín al que fuimos a pasar el día. Potsdam es muy muy bonito y con mucho encanto, y recomiendo muchísimo visitar el barrio holandés y el palacio de Sanssouci. ¡Eso sí, abrigaros mucho y llevad paraguas!

You don’t know how cold it is here in Berlin! And I don’t know what will become of me in the winter months haha. Today I share with you some photos of Potsdam, a small town near Berlin we went to spend the day. Potsdam is very very beautiful and charming, and I highly recommend visiting the Dutch quarter and the Sanssouci palace. But yes, wear a warm and big coat and bring an umbrella!

¡Espero que os haya gustado este pequeño trozito de nuestra escapada a Potsdam! Si estáis por Berlin o cerca, no dudéis en visitarla. Sed muy felices y muchos besis./

/Hope you like this small piece of our day trip to Potsdam! If you're in Berlin or somewhere near it, don't think it twice and visit it. Be happy and lots of kisses.

Listening: This Town - Niall Horan.

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9 comentarios

  1. I'm thinking of going to Berlin in the winter and I will be sure to bring my biggest and warmest coat! Thanks for sharing this, Potsdam looks awesome!

    Characters & Carry-ons

    1. A warm coat is a MUST here!! Sure you'll like Berlin! kisses:D

  2. i go to potsdam on a regular because my mom lives on the outer skirts of berlin so its close and its so beautiful and romantic and yes, berlin gets freezing...let me tell you. i have my coat ready as soon as december hits.


    1. I'm so not ready for the winter weather! I'm already freezing! haha kisses:D

  3. Qué bonita! It looks so lovely, I love the architecture!!

    Sinéad ♥ fabuleuse, toujours ♥

  4. Your pictures are stunning, and I love your outfit too! I am so happy I found your blog, I will definitely be reading it regularly now. Keep up the lovely work! x



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